Friends of the Southwest Wine Center
The Friends of the Southwest Wine Center (FoSWC) is a volunteer group dedicated to raising both awareness and annual unrestricted funds for the programs of the Southwest Wine Center (SWC) in Clarkdale. FoSWC is a fundraising auxiliary of the Yavapai College Foundation. This includes support for the fundraising campaign, SWC academic programs, the student-run vineyard, the data repository, and SWC student scholarships.
The Southwest Wine Center serves as a gathering place for students, educators and industry leaders looking to spark innovation, fuel economic development, support regional and national collaboration and provide a catalyst for research. Gifts will support annual academic and programmatic priorities that will provide the margin of excellence for our students and the community.
Founder’s Wall Campaign
Visionary Giving Set in Copper & Stone
The Founders Wall will serve as permanent recognition of those supporters who shared in the vision that together we can build on the area’s rich farming heritage to create a vibrant wine producing region.
The names to be engraved on the Founders Wall will include individuals, families, foundations and corporations who contribute $5,000 or more toward making the Southwest Wine Center a reality. Their philanthropy will reflect all types of giving, from support for students, faculty, programs and research to funding capital projects and deans’ and directors’ priorities.
Purposefully positioned adjacent to the new teaching winery, the wall will greet visitors and stand as a tangible reminder of the central role that these founding donors and their philanthropy played in establishing the Southwest Wine Center at Yavapai College.
Contact the Yavapai College Foundation and learn more about investment opportunities.
Mary Talosi – Prescott campus, (928) 776-2359

Founder’s Circle recognition- Southwest Wine Center
Southwest Wine Center
Founders Making Gifts of $5000+
The Family of William C.
& Eleanor M. Anderson
Aridus Wine Company
Arizona Office of Tourism
Arizona Republic / AZCentral
Arizona Vignerons Alliance
Arizona Wine Growers Association (AWGA)
Dr. Russ & Judith Balda
Marla & Ron Bassler
John W. Baltz
Neal G. Baltz
Linda & Alan Buchanan
Al Buhl
Burning Tree Cellars
Donald Dooling Carter
Dennis & Cheryl Cassady
Caduceus Cellars
Page Springs Cellars
Janette & Joe Micelli
Cottonwood Chamber
of Commerce
Haley Construction
Cottonwood Economic
Development Council
Cove Mesa Vineyard
CW & Modene Neely Foundation
DA Ranch
Bob & Denise Delgado
J. Lionel Diaz &
Jacqueline Butler Diaz
Kristi & Dale Edwards
Roger & Judy Egan
The Ewell Family
FCI Constructors, Inc
Ted & Pam Ferring
Jodie & Al Filardo
Cynthia Fox
Randall & Deborah Garrison
Neil & Annie Goodell
Bob & Pam Haber
Darcy Hitchcock & Dale Graham
Marywave Van Deren &
Gary Arthur Jacobson
Javelina Leap Vineyard & Winery
Jim & Debbie Horton
Gretchen & Kevin Keighron
Mark Armstrong & Lisa Jensen
Kinney Construction Services
John & Lili La Tourette
Carolyn & Dennis Lee
Julie & Mitch Levy
Marcia & Jim Lowman
Scott & Claudia Martenson
Martenson Construction
Perry & Sandy Massie
Hal and Sharon Mattern
Kenneth & Joan Meyers
Don & Barbara Michelman
Bill & Carol Miller
Bruce & Janet Misamore
Josh & Ronnie Moffitt
Emil & Cindy Molin
D’Alene & Keith Moore
Eric & Lesley Newman
The Norton Family
Bob & Susan Oliphant
Roger and Jackie Palmenberg
Dean & Tammy Pefanis
Earl Jr. & Melinda Petznick
Olen & Belle Petznick
Jean N. Phillips
John and Victoria Rogers
Casey & Jodi Rooney
Quench Fine Wines
Roger, Lori & Grady Schneider
Bonnie McMinn & Greg Stein
Salt River Project
Tom & Deb Schumacher
Ray & Frances Sigafoos
Brian & Vikki Sylva
Danusia Szumowski
Linda & Charles Thomas
Touchmark at the Ranch
Unisource Energy Services
Painted Lady Vineyard
Verde Valley Wine Consortium
The Verde Independent
The Daily Courier
Walter & Laura Whetstine
Villegas Landscape
Steve Walker & Denise
Waste Management
Wells Fargo
Ruth Wicks
Penny & Ron Wills
Philip & Bette Winkelstern
Daniel & Valerie Wood
Richard & Loretta Wright and Family
Regina & Ronald Younger
Yavapai College Foundation